Isnin, 27 Jun 2011

Pembantu Am Rendah for Coshare

Message from Coshare:

Dimaklumkan bahawa jawatan Pembantu Am Rendah & Pembantu Rendah Awam, Tukang Masak dan Pemandu telah boleh memohon pembiayaan peribadi melalui program potongan gaji Coshare Holdings Berhad berkuatkuasa pada 16 Jun 2011, bersyarat mestilah telah berkhidmat melebihi 3 tahun dari tarikh memohon.

Update: Pengawal Keselamatan can also be accepted.

Last modified: 2011-06-20 10:47:40

Rabu, 22 Jun 2011

Bank Rakyat Settlement Statement for MBSB and Coshare

Bank Rakyat branches is imposing a condition that all redemption letter issued by them must be accompanied/ attached with the payment slip of RM50 or else the redemption will be rejected. In another word when you submit the redemption letter, you must also attached together the payment slip/receipt of RM50. This will be a new requirement(for the time being) and the processing unit will reject/return all application without the receipt/payment slip.

**Please take not that only ORIGINAL (receipt RM50) copies are acceptable. This notice will commence immediately. All cooperation will be highly appreciated .Thank You.

Last modified: 2011-06-09 19:41:38

Ahad, 19 Jun 2011

MBSB: Additional Questions During Akad

Commencing today, MBSB will ask new questions during Akad:

1) Did you sign these forms in front of an agent?
2) What is his/her name?

It is compulsary for ALL your customer to answer "Yes" to question (1) and to provide a name, according to the person who sign as a witness in MBSB application forms.

If customer had inform that he/she had posted/courier these forms to yourselves or MBSB, these applications WILL BE REJECTED BY MBSB.


Please also make sure customer do not send applications straight to MBSB as the applications will automatically belongs to MBSB.

Please always remember to practice ONLY good Code of Conduct for all sales submissions else we would not hesitate to take harsh action upon these matter.

Last modified: 2011-06-05 17:21:44

Selasa, 14 Jun 2011


When submitting Bank Rakyat statement for Coshare package, please also attach the receipt for the payment upon requesting statement. It is now a mandatory requirement by Bank Rakyat when Coshare performs the settlement on behalf of customer.

And, for police (PDRM) customers, you are required to request for copy of normal I/C as well. It is a new requirement by Coshare.

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