Selasa, 26 Julai 2011

Notice issue from Bank Rakyat to Coshare

Bank Rakyat had issue a notice to Coshare regarding settlement statement. Please see attached for more information.

Please make sure to include Bank Rakyat RM50.00 ORIGINAL receipt for all submission which have Bank Rakyat settlement. As quoted from the attached letter please only send in the settlement statement signed by authorized persons only.This announcement applies to all submissions from Coshare, Ikhtiar, MBSB and Petronesa .

Please also be informed, some Bank Rakyat settlement may need customer to settle themselves. We will send the cheques to respecting reporting agent if these steps are required.

On the other hand, Coshare also announced that there will be some slight changes in their criteria:
1) Minimum loan application : RM5,000
2) Minimum Year of Service : 2 years and above (Except PAR which remains at 3 years)

Last modified: 2011-07-18 22:26:24

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